A lot of my pieces work with the idea of documenting ephemeral or impermanent qualities, or matters that are out of human control. Whether its in weather, nature, social conditions, memories, or through collaborating with new people, my works are always open to be influenced by external or natural causes. Perhaps this mentality stems from my Japanese roots, whose culture and society have always been built on and around the temporary and ever-changing beauty of nature. In my first projects called Eternal Garden, I explored the boundary between what is ephemeral and what is eternal by planting artificial tulips in various locations such as private gardens or developing vacant urban areas, and observing their contrast with their surroundings throughout different natural and social climates.
Megumi Fukuda was born in Hiroshima, Japan 1976. She received her MFA from Hiroshima City University Faculty of Art in 2001. In 2004 she started studying under Rebecca Horn at the University of Arts in Berlin, Germany, and has lived and worked there ever since.
Main activities include the solo and group exhibitions "Distant Observations. Fukushima in Berlin" (Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, 2014), "Each Day Begins with the Sunrising and Ends with the Sunsetting" (Mönchskirche, Salzwedel, 2013), "Collection n°1" (INTERIOR and the collectors, Resonance, Lyon Biennale, Lyon, France, 2011), "Daimyo Gardens as Samurai-Art" (Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum, Hiroshima, 2009), "RE-IMAGINING ASIA" (House of World Cultures, Berlin, 2008), "Eternal Garden Hiroshima, a Portrait of My Grandparents" (the house of grandparents, Hiroshima, 2004).
She has had residencies at Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien (Tokyo Wonder Site Exchange Residency Program [Berlin – Tokyo], Berlin, 2013), Künstlerhaus Salzwedel (Salzwedel, Germany, 2012) and Künstlerhaus Eckernförde (Eckernförde, Germany, 2011). In 2006 she received Grants for Young Artists from the Pola Art Foundation, Tokyo, Japan.
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© 2006 Megumi Fukuda
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